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What is Dianabol? What Does It Do? How Is It Used?

Methandrostenolone is a derivative of testosterone, exhibiting a strong anabolic effect along with a moderate androgenic effect. Methandrostenolone is also commonly known as "Dianabol". It is an oral steroid, which is potent.

Being an aromatizing steroid, related estrogenic effects can be expected with the use of Methandrostenolone. Gynecomastia may be experienced during the course or afterward, when excessive estrogen levels may occur. Gynecomastia is the development of breast tissue and is commonly noticed as swollen and/or painful nipples. If this is observed by the user, introducing an anti-estrogen like Nolvadex may help alleviate the condition. A better option if available, however, would be the inclusion of an aromatase inhibitor, such as Arimidex, Femara, or Aromasin.

Water retention is common with the use of Methandrostenolone, which can give the user a much less defined look. Ideal blood pressure should be monitored when using this drug. Back and calf pumps are common, making cardiovascular activities difficult. This makes Methandrostenolone not a common choice for cutting cycles.

Due to its androgenic nature, we can expect the drug to induce related side effects in prone users, such as oily skin/acne, aggression, excess body hair, and male pattern baldness. However, Proscar will not be effective as the androgenic metabolite dihydromethandrostenolone 5alpha is produced only in small amounts. Acne and oily skin can become a problem in prone users, and many will opt for lower doses that are more tolerable, or not use the compound altogether. Adding accutane treatment to the cycle to prevent acne and oily skin may not be advisable, as both accutane and c17 alpha-alkylated steroids can cause excess liver stress, which we want to avoid.

Being an alpha c17 alkylated steroid, we want to avoid excessive dosing and duration of use. 30 mg for 6 weeks may be an effective dose for the first time to gauge your reaction to the drug, while giving the user decent gains in muscle strength and mass. Unusual yellowing of the skin may be a sign of jaundice, and if noticed, the drug should be discontinued immediately, and a visit to the doctor is important as soon as possible. Alcohol consumption while using c17 alpha-alkylated compounds is not advised to avoid excessive liver strain that can cause damage.

There is a great debate on dosing splitting when using Methandrostenolone. Many argue dosing is best split as much as possible to give even concentrations further seen as the drug has a half-life of around 4 hours. Others argue it is more than worth taking the total dose a few hours before the workout, hopefully creating an environment that will create a lesser impact on the hypothalamus-pituitary-testicular axis as there is more time during the day when steroid levels are not excessive. Additional androgenic aggressiveness may aid in lifts in the gym, and androgenic metabolism may aid in nutrient absorption during hours of training of importance.

Warning! Using anabolic steroids with or without knowledge about the subject can harm your body. They can even cause death. You should be careful to have yourself checked before, during, and after using anabolic steroids. Our firm warns you about all risks of using steroids and we do not accept any responsibility for health problems and consequences. Therefore, we do not sell to individuals who are under 20 years old.

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