Masteron Enanthate 200 Mg 10 Ml Atlas Labs.
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Atlas Labs. Masteron Enanthate 200 Mg 10 Ml Atlas Labs.
- Brand: Atlas Labs.
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Manufacturer: Atlas Labs.
Substance: Drostanolone Enanthate
Pack: 1 x 10 ml vial (200 mg/ml)
What Is Masteron Enanthate 200 Mg 10 Ml Atlas Labs. ?
Masteron enanthate is a long estered injectable preparation containing an anabolic steroid called drostanolone propionate. This hormone is directly derived from dihydrotestosterone and is characterized by a good anabolic and androgenic activity. Masteron Enantate doesn’t aromatize and as such doesn’t cause unpleasant side effects such as gynecomastia or excessive water retention. Similarly to Masteron Enantate, Proviron exerts even an inhibitory action on the enzyme aromatase. Thanks to this characteristic is spent associated with other anabolic aromatizable with the aim of reducing the conversion to estrogen.
Generally Masteron Enantate is used in the final weeks before a competition, when searching for the maximum density and muscle definition. When used in conjunction with other steroids such as Winstrol or Primobolan, can prevent the strong muscle catabolism typical of this stage. Many athletes use Masteron Enantate also in cycles of mass, combined with potent androgen (Testosterone or Dianabol injection), or other anabolic steroid with reduced androgenic activity (Deca, Equipoise).
The metabolites of Masteron Enantate can be identified in the urine of the athlete, and although someone they think is sufficient to suspend the use of three or four weeks before the competition, the risk result in a positive doping control is always present. For this reason it may be useful to replace Masteron Enantate and Proviron ( such as an oral steroid that is metabolized more quickly). Like all anabolic with pronounced androgenic characteristics Masteron Enantate also accelerates hair loss in susceptible individuals and encourages the development of acne, aggression and excessive hair.
Masteron Enantate is no longer presents on the market for some years now. It’s a new product. Dosis as anabolic substance in bodybuilding :
bodybuilders generally take 250-350 mg of Masteron Enantate a week, through two or three weekly injections of 100 mg. Because of its power the androgen Masteron Enantate should be used with special care by women, in order to avoid an excessive virilization ( no more than a single weekly injection 25-50 mg).