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Drostanolone Enanthate

MASTERON 200MG Intex Pharma UK


★ DOSAGEMEN 300 - 700 MG / WEEK
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    What is MASTERON 200MG Intex Pharma?

    Masteron Enanthate, also known as Drostanolone Enanthate, is a popular anabolic androgenic steroid (AAS) widely used by bodybuilders and athletes. Belonging to the DHT-derived steroid family, it is renowned for its potent effects in enhancing muscle definition and hardness. Before considering its use, it's crucial to comprehend its properties, benefits, potential side effects, and proper usage. The primary concern revolves around its adverse effects, particularly for individuals with chronic illnesses.


    Masteron Enanthate is a modified form of DHT (dihydrotestosterone) with an enanthate ester attached. This modification extends its half-life, necessitating less frequent injections compared to its propionate counterpart. Its chemical structure prevents aromatization into estrogen, reducing the likelihood of estrogen-related side effects such as water retention and gynecomastia.


    Muscle Definition: Masteron Enanthate is prized for its ability to impart a hard, defined muscle appearance. It aids in reducing water retention, promoting a dry and lean physique sought after during cutting phases.

    Strength Enhancement: While not primarily for bulking, it can contribute to strength gains, particularly when complemented by proper diet and exercise.

    Improved Endurance: Users often experience increased stamina and endurance, facilitating more rigorous workouts and enhanced athletic performance.

    Side Effects:

    Like all AAS, Masteron Enanthate carries potential side effects:

    Androgenic Effects: These may include acne, oily skin, and accelerated hair loss in genetically predisposed individuals.

    Cardiovascular Risks: Steroid use, including Masteron Enanthate, can affect cholesterol levels, potentially leading to hypertension and heart disease.

    Testosterone Suppression: It can suppress natural testosterone production, impacting libido, erectile function, and fertility.

    Proper Usage:

    Masteron Enanthate is typically administered via intramuscular injection. Dosages vary based on individual goals, experience, and tolerance, commonly ranging from 200mg to 600mg per week split into multiple injections due to its longer half-life. Adhering to cycling protocols and integrating post-cycle therapy (PCT) is crucial to restoring natural testosterone levels and mitigating side effects.

    Drostanolone enanthate combines best with which steroids?

    Drostanolone enanthate is a long-estered steroid, so it will be most effective when used with testosterone enanthate, testosterone cypionate, and sustanon, which are testosterone derivatives. Additionally, depending on your goals, you can add other long-estered anabolic steroids to your cycle. It also combines well with trenbolone enanthate, but we do not recommend using trenbolone if you have less than 15 years of steroid use history. In fact, if you're not a professional bodybuilder, we recommend avoiding it altogether. Furthermore, it also pairs nicely with drugs like boldenone, dianabol, and anavar. You can use it with one injection per week. To prevent hair loss as a potential side effect, zinc should definitely be included in your cycle. Moreover, if you have a genetic predisposition to hair loss and fear baldness, masteron can exacerbate hair loss."


    Masteron Enanthate offers significant benefits for physique enhancement, especially during cutting phases. However, cautious and informed use is essential, considering both its advantages and potential risks. Consulting a healthcare provider before initiating any steroid regimen is strongly advised to ensure safety and efficacy.

    Masteron Enanthate for sale

    We are Warning!
    When you use anabolic steroids with or without your knowlegde about them can be harmful for your body. They can also cause deaths. We suggest, you must choose the brand of products and shop from trustfull stores. Our company warns you about all side effects and risks about these products. And we do not accept any responsibility about side effects and problems. Btw we do not offer these products under 20 years old. Unconscious steroid and medicine use can be dangerous and harmful. They can disease your body and your psychology.

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