Ultima-Deca 250 mg 10 ml Ultima Pharma USA

Ultima Pharma USA Ultima-Deca 250 mg 10 ml Ultima Pharma USA
- Brand: Ultima Pharma USA
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What is Deca 250 mg 10 ml Ultima Pharma?
Substance: Nandrolone Decanoate
Pack: 10 ML (250 mg/ml)
Nandrolone decanoate is called different names, Deca, Durabolin, Decox etc. Deca durabolin is widely regarded as one of the safest and most powerful steroids. Nandrolone decanoate does not have many estrogenic and androgenic side effects. Since it has very low rate aromatization, aproximately equal to %20 of testosterones. The drug contains androgenic and anabolic effects. When it is taken at low doses, it’s a effective and powerful anabolic drug whereas at high doses, it also possesses significant androgenic effects.
Using & Effective Dosage :
First of all, Deca durabolin should only be injected once a week. The recommended dosage of nandrolone decanoate is 100-600 mg per week. If you got no results in 6 months from started using it you must suspect that drug is fake. It should be taken in a bulking cycle during about 8-16 weeks, up to 400 mgs/week(It depends to your weight, training and steroid history.) In a cutting cycle, up to 250 mgs/week during 8-16 weeks again, as long as something to combat water retention is present. At last, If you decide to use deca, you should exactly combine with a testosterone and some anti-progestronic drugs such as bromocriptine, cabergoline. And Post cycle therapy should include Tamoxifen(nolvadex), HCG and Clomid.
Side Effects Of Deca:
Nandrolone decanoate does have a wide range of side effects when it was used for a long time. When it was used at low dosages, side effects are rare and slight whereas at high dosages, the most common side effects include:
• Fatigue, tiredness
• Acne
• Water retention
• Oily skin
• Loss of hair
• Gynecomastia
• Agressiveness
Like all anabolic steroids, nandrolone decanoate should not used by inviduals who have.
• Breast cancer
• Prostate cancer
• Any allergies to steroids
• Pregnant
• Inviduals with cancer and high levels of calcium