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Anabolic Steroids


Anabolic steroids, technical name is Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) and known as ‘steroids’, are the drugs that act like the testosterone hormone or the more efficient form of that ‘dihidrotestosterone’ in the body.  By increasing the protein syntesis, these drugs help stimulate the developmen of the tissues. Especially in muscle tissues, the effects of the drug are more observable.  Anabolic steroids are first developed and synthesized in the early 19030s. They still being used in the treatment of chronic diseases like AIDS or cancer or for other treatmens like stimulating male adolescence or bone development. 

This drugs are olsu being used for bodybuilding or performance enheancing purposes by the atheletes in a non medical and non recommanded way.

This subject is the focal point of an ongoing debate about anabolic steroids. 

A side from bodybuilders, many famous athletes from football, basketball, swimming etc were benefited from these anabolic steroids during their career.

As the time went by, these drugs was banened from use for the athletes and got into banned substances and considered as  doping for their performance enheancing effects. Because they were causing an unfair competition.

This caused decreasing the usage rate of these drugs among the professional athletes. But for amator athletes and for the bodybuilders, they are still very populer.

AAS s are not hard to get because they are still in the shelves of pharmacies. The reason of this is AASs are still being used for the medical treatments. This helps the avaiblaty of the drugs.

Anabolic Androgenic Steroids has both androgenic molecules and androgenic molecules. The rate of them is changeable from drug to drug.

Because the side effects will come from the androgenic molecules, the rate of anabolic moleculas preferred to bi higher in an ideal AAS. Here are some general info about AASs:


    • They are used orally. Also they can be injected in the muscle. But they never get injecter in the veins.(very dangeous)

    • Anabolic steroids are often used with an agent. This is called stacking.

    • AAS are often used in a time periods to get the most efficient results. And afte the period of usage, the recovery period starts and other substences shpuld be used in this period. These are called ‘cycle’ the ‘post cycle’

    • In posy cycle periods, to prevent side effects of anabolic androgenic steroids, other substences need to be used. These are called Post Cycle Theraphy drugs.

    • There have been a lot of imitations of AAS and the fake one, it has become really difficult to tell the original drug from the fake one.

    • Ester forms are developed of the steroids in time. The steroid esters are made from a steroid molecule and a carbon chain attached to it.  The length and type of the carbon chain in the esters are the reason of the length of the hilf-life and the solubility of the drug in the blood. 

    • Oral steroids are more toxic to liver than the injectable steroids.


Steroids makes the body keep more water and salt in it and the can cause disrupt electrolyte balance. Also can cause swollen face. And the treatment of this situations may require deuretics. But deuretics can harm the kidneys.

For male users, steroids can cause feminine features such as growth of the brests. This is called gynecomastia. A drug called Tamoxifen is often used for the treatment of this situation. The drug is also used for curing the breast cancer. The meaning of this is a steroid user can unwantingly be in the need of a cancer drug. 

Worsening of the skin is a common side effect of the steroids. Acne, and general lose of the aestetics of the skin can be given as examples.

Psychological state changes like aggression or increasin the anxiety can be observerd. Using steroids may even cause dangerous disease like the psychosis.

Usin steroids can cause stomache problems like diarrhea and stomach pain.

Hair loss and baldness

Cardiovascular effects -  Cholesterol, increase of triglyceride. Using steroids can cause the increasing of the LDL (malignant cholesterol) while  HDL (benign cholesterol) decreases. there is an increased risk of obstruction and heart attack in the vessels. Also causes the blockage of the veins and the increased hart attack risks.

Using steroids can cause develop male features for woman. Acne, hairy body like man, hair loss, masculine appearance of the muscles, deep voice and growth of the clitoris. Female body is more vonurable to the steroid use then the maled body.  Increased libido and aggression can be observed.  Also using of the steroids close to the pregnancy can cause genetic disorders in the baby. 

Using steroids can cause growth problems. If young athletes who are not yet fully developed, use steroids, they can have problems like bone growth and uneven development. Growth in the soft tissues at the tip of the bones is a common disorder for the young users. Hardening the facial line is another commen result of the steroids.

Growth of the prostate or prostate cancer

High blood pressure is another common result of the steroids. Because the drug keeps the water and salt in the body stimulates the high blood pressure. For the one that have genetic disorder in this field, the risks are even higher to get high blood pressure.

Cardiac Delitation

Side effects in the kidney: Kindeys are the most affected organ in the steroid using process beacues toxic that has been piling up in the body and the liver are excreted via kidney. Also keeping water and salt in the body is a very dangerous situation for the kidneys. Deuretics can cause dryness in the kidneys and this can cause structural distortions in the kidneys. The urine gets dark and a fuzy color.

Cholestasis is the most observed harming result of the Anabolic Androgenic Steroid use. Cholestasis is a condition where bile cannot flow from the liver to the duodenum.  Because they are not remove by the digestive system bile salts and bilirubin accumulate in the liver and circulation system. Hepatic inflammation and inflammation may occur (hepatitis). Symptoms of cholestasis include loss of desire to eat (anorexia), weakness, nausea, vomiting, upper abdominal pain, and itching. The dark feces and dark urine can be observerd. Can cause yellowing of the eyes an the skin. In the advanced stages, the liver tissue is severely damaged. Even liver cancer has been observed in some cases.

Other side effects: Headache, nausea, sudden loss of strength by dropping the use of steroid drugs, problems with various muscle and tendon injuries, genetic defects, and problems due to using of the needles when injecting steroids.


In the previous article, WE have given general information about Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) and mentioned about the usage areas and the side effects.

In this article, we will focus on the classification and sampling of AASs in the market. 

AAS is divided into five main classes in terms of molecular structure:

-Testosterone derivatives

-Dihydrotestosterone derivatives (DHT)

-17a Alkylated Testosterone DHT and Nandrolon

-17 alpha ethynyl e & vinyl testosterone derivatives - ethynyl testosterone (etisteron) and vinyl testosterone derivatives

What is testosterone?

A testosterone molecule consists of 19 carbon 28 hydrogen and 2 oxygen atoms. The anabolic and adrogenic effects in a testosterone is balanced. To show yo this in number: 100/100 rate is considered as a referance point of this balance. 

The worst part of the using testosterone is the conversion of the testosterone hormone into estogen hormone by the aromatese enzyme. This conversion is the reason of estrogen related side effects in the body. 

Also natural production of the testosterone hormone in the body will decrease because you are taking it from the outside of the body. This situation must be taken care of in the post cycle theraphy. 

Not curing this can cause to have female features for the male users because natural testosterone production is expacted to be very low after a cycle. And this ofcourse can cause the loss of the muscles gained during the cycle. This is why the post cycle theraphy is very important.

What are DHT ?

DHT (dihydrotestosterone), consists of testosterone with the enzyme 5-alpha reductase.   DHT s can be observed in the prostate gland, the testicles, the skin, hair follicles, the liver and the brain.

DHTs are more effective on androgen receptors than nomal testosterone hormones. While free and total DHT in the bloodstream is 1/10 of testosterone; in tissues like prostate gland it is ten times higher due to 5-alpha reductase rate in this tissues. 

Unlike testosterone, DHT is converted to 3-alpha androstanediol, which is a very weak androgen with 3-alpha hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase enzyme. This happens especially in the muscle, fat tissue and in the liver. DHT is also a very weak anabolic agent when administered externally.

Unlike testosterone DHT does not aromatese into estrogen.

DHT is not  generally used by itself in cycles  because of its anabolic effects. It isgenerally stacked with testosterone.

DHT protects males from get side effects like female features which are side effects of using testosterone drugs.

17 AlphaAlkylated Steroids 

17-alpha alkylated steroids are synthetic AASs having an alkyl group. The alkyl group is specifically methyl or ethyl.

Unlike many other steroids, they can be taken orally. Ther anre not for the injectable use only. The biggest concern is they are toxic for the liver. Hepatotoxic effects of them are very high and this can limit their use. 17-alpha-alkylated molecules can be derived from testosterone, DHT and nandrolone. (the first 3 groups may also be alkylated)  Ethinyl testosterone is a is a progestin that has an anabolic effect, originally produced from testosterone. Not very populer in nowadays.  Vinyl testosterone was not commercially marketed as a result of many research on the subject. We explained these 5 main groups with their general characteristics. Now let's look at the main headings of the available forms steroids in the market.

The AASs consumed by those interested in sports are divided into two main classs: oral and injectable steroids.

Oral Steroids

Oxymetholone: is a DHT but a 17-alpha alkylated DHT. The most known commercial names are Anadrol and Anapolon.

Oxandrolone: is a  17-alpha alkylated DHT. Populer commercial name is Anavar.

Methandienon: 17-alpha alkylated testosterone. Popular commercial names is Dianabol or D-Bol.

Fluoksimesteron: 17-alpha alkylated testosterone. Popular commercial names is Halotestin.

Metenolon Asetat: is a  DHT. Popular commercial name is Primobolan

Mesterolon: is a  DHT. Popular commercial name is Proviron

Stanozolol: is a  17-alpha alkylated DHT. Populer commercial name is Winstrol.

Testesteron Undecanoate: is testosterone ester. Populer commercial name is Andriol. In our country it is sold under the name Virigen.

Klorodehidrometiltestosteron: is a methandienone derivative (methandienone 17-alpha alkylated testosterone). Popular commercial name is Turinabol.

Ethylestrenol: is a 17-alpha is alkylated nandrolone. Popular commercial name is Orabolin.

Miboleron: is a 17-alpha is alkylated nandrolone. Popular commercial name is Cheque Drops and Matenon.


Nandrolone decanoate: is a nandrolone ester. Popular commercial name is Deca Durabolin.

Nandrolon phenylpropionate: is a nandrolone ester. Popular commercial names are Durabolin and Activin.

Trenbolone acetate:  is a nandrolon  derivative. Popular commercial names are Finaplix and Revalor

Trenbolon enanthate:  is a nandrolon derivative. Popular commercial name is Trabalon

Trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate: is nandrolon derivative. Popular commercial name is Parabolan.

Drostanolon propionat: is a DHT derivative. Popular commercial name is Masteron.

Methenolone enanthate: is a DHT derivative. Popular commercial names are Primabolan Depot and Nibal Injection. It is sold under the name of Rimobolan in our county.

Stanozolol:  is a 17-alpha is alkylated DHT. Popular commercial name is Winstol Depot. In November 2012, five athletes was stanozolol positive in the tests that was applied in the U23 European  Weightlifting Championship held in Israel

Boldenone undecylate: is a testosterone derivative. Popular commercial name is Equipoise.

Testosterone mix with four esters: It consists of propionate, phenylpropionate, isocaproate and caproate esters of testosterone. Popular commercial name is Omnadren.

Testosterone mix with four esters: In consists of  propionate, phenylpropionate, isocaproate and decanoate esters of testosterone. Popular commercial name is Sustanon.

Testosterone propionate: is a testosterone ester. Popular commercial names are  Agrovirin, Masenate, Testoviron, Testover P, Testosteron P

Testosteron cypionate: is a testosterone ester. Popular commercial names is Depo Testosterone

Testosteron Enantat: is a testosterone ester. Popular commercial names are Everone, Durathate, Testosteron E (Testo E and Propionate and Cypionate are the most preferred testosterone esters in the world)

Testosterone undecanoate: is a testosterone ester. Popular commercial names are Aveed, Andriol, Undestor, Nebido-R…(unlike other testosterone esters, it can be  used orally)

Etilestrenol: is a  17-alpha is alkylated nandrolone. Popular commercial name is Silabolin.

As you can see most of the DHTs and 17-alpha is alkylated ones are for both oral or injectable use. But for nandrolones , only injectable forms are avaible. 

Warning: Our company has USA domestic steroids warehouses, as well as warehouses in Europe, the United Kingdom, and Asia. When ordering, please pay attention to which warehouse the products are coming from, as this can affect the delivery time.

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