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Beligas Pharma Cypo-Testosterone 200 - Testosterone Cypionate Reviews

What is Beligas Pharma?

Beligas Pharmaceuticals is a brand that produces high-quality anabolic steroids and performance enhancing products for athletes and bodybuilding enthusiasts. The company, which is of Belgian origin, is known for its reliable and effective products. Beligas, which adheres to rigorous quality control standards in the production process, guarantees the purity and safety of its products. Popular within the bodybuilding community, the company attracts attention with its wide range of products and supports its users in achieving goals such as muscle mass gain, strength and performance development.

What is  Testosterone Cypionate?

Testosterone Cypionate is an ester form of the hormone testosterone and is generally used for performance enhancing and therapeutic purposes. This drug is widely used to increase muscle mass and strength, increase energy levels and improve overall body performance. It is also prescribed for hormone replacement therapy in men with testosterone deficiency.

The main features of Testosterone Cypionate are:

1. Slow Release: Cypionate is a long-acting testosterone ester and is released slowly in the body, so injections are usually given once or twice a week.

2. Increased Muscle Mass and Strength: It is preferred in the bodybuilding community for increasing muscle mass, being able to perform more intense workouts and gaining strength.

3. Anabolic and Androgenic Effects: While testosterone promotes muscle growth due to its anabolic effects, its androgenic properties also support male characteristics (e.g. deepening of the voice, hair growth).

4. Therapeutic Use: In the medical field, it is used to provide hormonal balance in men with low testosterone levels and to relieve related symptoms.

Side Effects:

- Water retention

- Acne

- Hair loss

- Pressure on the liver

- Decrease in testosterone production (can suppress natural production)

Testosterone Cypionate is important to use under the supervision of a doctor, especially for athletes, as it can lead to hormonal imbalances and side effects if not used carefully.

PRODUCT NAME: Cypo Testosterone 250mg Total 2500mg  
DOSAGE: 250-500MG PER WEEK (depends on your cycle)

Beligas Testosterone Cypionate has been manufactured with high quality raws. It contains 2500ml Testosterone Cypionate per vial. Company uses best oils for smooth injecting. Mostly customer reviews are good. Their comments on Reddit ‘’ Injection is smooth’’ ‘’Painliess injection’’ like that.

Here Are Some Reviews of Beligas Pharma Cypo (Testosterone Cypionate) on Reddit:


The oils came back legit well the cyp and premo did. Tested with roidtest pills are junk. Anavar

50 came back dbol, so stay away from there orals.


Never heard of them. PIP happens, even with good stuff sometimes. Being tired could be almost anytHing.

I‘d just ride it out


Unless you get a "high potency" or a high concentration, in which case they (and many others) will use Ethyl Oleate. Along with whatever carrier oils they typically use. I have been using Beligas exclusively for years. I only get pip with higher concentrated (usually anything above 250-300mg/ml or labeled "high potency" propionate Esther gives me pip too. Not cypionate or enanthate tho And things labeled "suspension"

Beligas Cypo-Testosterone 200 -  Testosterone Cypionate Lab Test:

Lab test is published on official website of beligas pharma. You can it on official website.

Beligas Pharma Cypo 200 testosterone cypionate

Best Combinations with Testosterone Cypionate

Testosterone cypionate is an anabolic steroid commonly used to increase muscle growth and strength. However, it is often combined with other steroids to increase its effects and keep side effects to a minimum. Here are some ingredients that are often combined with testosterone cypionate:

1. Deca-Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate): The combination of testosterone cypionate and Deca-Durabolin is very common for mass and strength gains. Deca can relieve joint pain and promote muscle growth.

2. Dianabol (Methandrostenolone): The combination of testosterone cypionate and Dianabol provides rapid mass and strength gains. Dianabol is an oral steroid that offers strong short-term effects.

3. Anadrol (Oxymetholone): It is often used to increase strength and mass gains. The combination of Anadrol and testosterone makes for a powerful bulking stack.

4. Trenbolone: ​​Recommended for advanced users, this combination is effective for increasing muscle mass while burning fat. However, its side effects may be stronger, so it is necessary to use it with caution.

5. Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate): It is preferred to increase endurance and muscle hardness. It synergizes well with testosterone cypionate.

6. HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin): HCG can be used during or after the cycle to relieve the pressure on natural testosterone production caused by testosterone use.

Alcohol and Testosterone Cypionate Use

The most important thing to consider before using any steroid combination is to be informed about the effects and side effects it can have on the body. It is important to consult a health professional before using combinations.

Alcohol use with testosterone cypionate is generally not recommended. Since both substances can have negative effects on the body, combining them can increase health risks. Here are some reasons why it may be unsafe to use alcohol and testosterone cypionate together:

Although testosterone cypionate is not directly processed in the liver, steroids can generally increase the burden on the liver. Alcohol also puts a heavy burden on the liver. When used together, the risk of stress and damage to the liver increases.

Alcohol can lower testosterone levels in the body and increase estrogen levels. This can reduce the benefits of using testosterone cypionate and disrupt hormone balance.

Steroids, especially testosterone, can cause water retention in the body. Alcohol, on the other hand, dehydrates the body with its diuretic effect. This combination can lead to electrolyte imbalance and problems that can negatively affect overall health.

Steroids can suppress the immune system and alcohol can reduce body resistance. Using them together can increase the risk of catching infections or diseases.

Steroids can cause mood swings, angry outbursts (steroid rage), and anxiety. Alcohol can also increase depression and anxiety, which can have a negative impact on mental health. Therefore, it is safest to minimize or completely avoid alcohol consumption while taking testosterone cypionate. It is important not to use these two substances at the same time to minimize the negative effects on the body.

Testosterone Cypionate Using For Women
The use of testosterone cypionate in female athletes should be done very carefully and in a limited manner. Testosterone is a hormone that is naturally found in high levels in men and can cause serious side effects when used in women. For this reason, women should consider using it especially in low doses and short-term cycles. However, it is generally not recommended for women to use testosterone or any anabolic steroid without professional supervision.

Here are some important points about the use of testosterone cypionate in female athletes:

1. Low Doses

Women should use testosterone cypionate in low doses, usually 25-50 mg per week, well below the doses used by men. Higher doses can lead to unwanted side effects.

2. Short Cycles

Long-term use of testosterone cypionate can cause symptoms of masculinization (virilization) in women. These symptoms include deepening of the voice, hair growth, oily skin, clitoral growth, and irregular menstrual cycles. To reduce these risks, the duration of use should generally be limited to 4-6 weeks.

3. Side Effect Monitoring

Female athletes should carefully monitor for signs of virilization. If early signs such as voice changes, hair growth, or clitoral growth are seen, testosterone use should be stopped immediately as these side effects may be irreversible.

4. Affects Natural Hormone Balance

Testosterone use disrupts women's natural hormone balance, which can lead to menstrual irregularities or fertility problems in the long term. It may take time for the body to return to its natural hormone levels after a cycle.

5. Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT)

Although PCT is not as common in women as it is in men, some female athletes may use low-dose anti-estrogen drugs or natural supplements to restore hormonal balance after a cycle. It is important to consult a specialist during this process.

6. Other Alternatives

Female athletes generally prefer milder anabolic compounds. Compounds such as Anavar (Oxandrolone), Winstrol (Stanozolol) have milder side effects in women and are generally safer than testosterone.

In summary

The use of testosterone cypionate in female athletes can carry great risks, and overdose or long-term use can lead to permanent side effects such as virilization. If a female athlete is considering using testosterone, this should be done with low doses and under strict medical supervision. Alternative, safer anabolic steroids or natural supplements can also be considered.

The safest approach for female athletes is to try to optimize muscle growth with natural training and nutrition and avoid the use of anabolic steroids, which have potential risks.
